Episode 3

Caragiale and the carriage drivers at Casa Hrisicos

I. L. Caragiale și

Casa Hrisicos

There are many stories that took place at Casa Hrisicos and have become a legend. One of these, which we found out thanks to the book of Doina Păuleanu has as its main character I. L. Caragiale who was just arriving to the city in November 1909 together with Vlahuță, Delavrancea and Dobrogeanu Gherea.

They’ve met dr. Racovschi si Ioan N. Roman, “having lunch together at Hrisicos, in a joyful environment supported by the master’s good mood”. After the lunch they decided to go visit Mamaia so they hired 2 carriage drivers. Caragiale was taking his time despite the fact that the other friends kept pushing him to go.

After a while spent with joy and jokes, when nobody was in a hurry anymore, Caragiale urged his friends: “well, let’s go now!”. But as they reached outside the restaurant, the joyful group finds only one of the two carriage drivers, called Asan. Caragiale asked him “Where is Memet?”, “he went to walk around the horses”. Go get him,answers Caragiale with a firm tone of voice. So Asan leaves. Memet comes back after few minutes.

Caragiale asks: “Memet, where is Asan?” “He went to walk around with the horses trying to defend his colleague, not having a clue of what happened to him. “Go find Asan”, says Caragiale. Memet leaves and Asan appears. The story repeats several times until both reached Casa Hrisicos and the group finally goes on its way to Mamai.

(source Cuget Liber, author: Paula Tudor; date: 30 July 2012)

The Historical Episodes of

Casa Hrisicos

Being a central restaurant in Constanța, Casa Hrisicos enjoys a long and controversial history.

Episode 1

Gheorghe Hrisicos

The owner of the building himself, Gheorghe Hrisicos, assured it a well known name which not any other building in the city has due to a scandal he was involved in…

Episode 2

Casa Hrisicos, a top destination

The building served as an elegant hotel and restaurant with fish and international kitchen. Casa Hrisicos, grandiose…

Episode 4

Casa Hrisicos, Bank Headquarter

In the interwar period of time Casa Hrisicos went out of the hospitality domain, becoming the headquarter of the local bank…

Episode 5

The Second World War

Casa Hrisicos building was part of crucial moments in Romania’s history, including the World War II and the Soviet occupation. The balcony of the house was used by Barbu Stefanescu…

Episode 6

Casa Hrisicos, again a bank headquarter

After the Revolution, Casa Hrisicos hosted the headquarter of Romanian Exterior Commerce Bank and then Romanian Commercial Bank…

Episode 7

Casa Hrisicos re-enters the circuit of historical restaurants

From now on, we will be carrying the story further refurbishing this value…



Monday – Sunday:
12:00 pm – 12:00 am

